Any parent can tell you if they are with their child all day, that they are in need of a break. If you have older kids, telling them to go outside and play is the easy solution. However, those of us that have younger kids that need mom or dad's helping hand or watchful eye, it's not so simple. As new parents, getting outside with the baby and simply going for a walk is not only good for your health, but it's therapeutic and healthy for both of you. If it has been a long night or stressful day, the last thing you might want to do is get out of the house, but believe us when we say after just a few minutes you will feel revitalized, and baby will enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. 

There are a few tips you should keep in mind before you lace up your tennis shoes, and start walking around the block with your little one on your hip. We are here to help you along the way, and provide any supportive care you or your children might need on your exercising endeavors. First, a few tips on how exercising in the early months may help you and your baby. 

Increased Energy and Focus

Getting yourself outside for a ten minute walk will boost your energy, even if it's around the block. Your focus becomes clearer and tension is less. The sunshine provides your body with D3, an important vitamin for bone and metabolic function. The sun's rays will also aid in the release of endorphins, and help you sleep at night. The difference you mentally and physically feel after a short, or long jaunt around your local park or neighborhood is worth it.


Packing up the car is not always the easiest when you have children, and all that comes with them. If you find yourself a good stroller or carrier, making your way outside for an adventure is much easier to stick with. There are no gym fees, child care fees, or need to get ready when you choose an activity outdoors. Most communities have trails, parks, or family friendly neighborhoods that you may use for exercise. 

Now that the benefits of exercise are laid out, let's talk about accessories. If you will be going outside with a child who can not walk or keep up, a stroller will be most helpful. There are also a few comfortable baby carriers on the market, if you would like to keep your newborn close to you for a nice leisurely walk. Keeping your spine and joints comfortable during these activities are of the utmost importance. Carrying around an extra ten to fifteen pounds may put strain on your spine, weight on your joints, and cause more irritation in the long run. Below, is a list of a few options you might consider to keep you and your baby comfortable and safe during exercise.


There are many brands of baby carriers on the market. These carriers are great for day-to-day activities and short walks. Ergonomically, they keep the babies weight distributed evenly in front, or on the back. Many new mothers like to keep new babies in a cloth wrap, tied securely in the front for easy access. There are several brands such as; Moby, and Baby K'tan

For larger babies it might make more sense to wear them in a carrier which does not require wrapping, and can easily be worn on the back. Such brands are the Baby Bjorn, or Ergobaby. If you choose either of these options, make sure to walk evenly and slow. No running if baby is in a carrier. The carriers lack neck support, and do not distribute the babies weight evenly enough to prevent damage to your shoulders and back.


If you are looking for a more comfortable way to exercise, or plan on doing more cardio, then a jogging stroller is your best bet. This provides parents with a break from holding the child, and child an optional nap. There is no weight being placed on your body, yet the weight being pushed is minimal. A few good options for strollers are; BoB, Baby Trends, and Graco.

The many advantages to getting outdoors and going for a walk, hike, or run are enormous. Reaping the benefits will help get you through the early years, while providing your child with quality time together. Contact us today if you have any questions or concerns about you, or your child's wellness. Staying safe and sane while exercising will make for happy, healthy parents and children.


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