One of the mainstays of chiropractic medicine is a technique known alternatively as spinal manipulation, spinal adjustment, or simply chiropractic adjustment. Although a common procedure used to treat a wide range of chiropractic issues, chiropractic adjustment is most often used to address lower back pain.

Many chiropractic issues, including lower back pain, are caused by a medical condition known as subluxation. Subluxation occurs when one or more of the vertebrae which make up the spine become misaligned with one another. This misalignment can cause stress on the underlying structure of the back or spine resulting in pain by putting pressure on the nerves, ligaments and muscles of the spine and nearby body structure.

Chiropractic adjustment corrects this issue. Chiropractors use a number of carefully developed techniques to gently force your vertebrae back into correct alignment by pulling, stretching, or pushing on the vertebrae.

Generally, treatment will take the form of a sharp, quick thrust to push the vertebrae back into position. This is commonly accompanied by an audible ‘pop’ as joint pops back into place and displaces pockets of air that may have accumulated in the joint. You may experience some brief pain as the joint moves back into position. Many patients also report a feeling of relief as the pressure and stress on nearby structures and nerves is released.

After treatment, you should experience more freedom of movement, improved function and decreased pain.

However, it is common for your muscles or ligaments to still feel tight or sore after a chiropractic adjustment. Your chiropractor has full range of options to help deal with these symptoms, ranging from heat, deep tissue massage, special exercises, and other treatment regimens to help your body recover from the potential harm caused by the subluxation.

Your chiropractor may also prescribe a regular course of treatments and adjustments to keep your spine in ideal condition and prevent your condition from reoccurring.

At Lexington Family Chiropractic, our staff of compassionate professionals are dedicated to providing quality chiropractic care to your entire family.

Contact us today to see how chiropractic medicine can improve the quality of your life.


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